May 31, 2008

I want one of these.

Since when did my little car require $52 at the fill up? Right now, I'm working on some smart car stuff which just makes me want one even more. (just you wait, it's brills)
Not like I wouldn't be in tears at the loss of my baby, the silver surfer, but I think everyone in this country needs a smart car.... or a bike. At least raise maybe put a few solar panels on the top of your car.
Which totally brings me back to sixth grade when my little group of guys and myself won the school solar panel car race in the Sea Road parking lot. I think we won pink t-shirts if I can recall... not so cool.

May 5, 2008

I missed watercoloring.

So it was book cover time at Type class. I really missed watercoloring and doing things by hand, especially since it was something I've been doing since the beginning of Lola time. This is one of five we had to do for tomorrow... or I guess today. Since the book is about life, love and death in the eyes of the generation X, I used a lot of themes about change or reminiscent of nostalgia. I got the idea of a tattoo with the title for the idea of a generation X, watercolor for a softer image to represent love and Gotica and Retro lettering for life as a past. Voila. My other themes besides the tattoo one above were the New York Subway, Coffee, Airplane Jet setting and Brick/Cement walls with graphittiesque colour. We'll see which one wins tomorrow at class.

Quick story: When I was a young girl of maybe 13 years, I took some classes at Maine College of Art. During my first oil painting class, I was sitting next to this emo-ish goth college kid. While I was painting some some purple flowers in a vase, she was painting a bleeding heart. The kind from anatomy books. Not really that accurate or even artistically done well. I never thought I would ever be painting a bleeding heart ever in life.

May 3, 2008

When life gets you going, do a cartwheel.

Found this picture of a friend of mine doing a cartwheel and thought it would be a good inspiration for this vector drawing. Love using illustrator. I entered this, Johnny cash and some other things into the student show.
In the next few months, I plan on incorporating more hand drawn stuff into my work. I've only spent about 20 some odd years and 100 grand in higher education learning fine arts. Might as well actually use it.

Personal note: I broke my toe today and I have an ear ache. So I can't walk and can't hear. Awesome.