June 30, 2011


June 16, 2011

Ad that shows up on sidewalks only when it rains

How cool is this!? It's for an aquarium in Holland (I love aquariums).
Translates to "Sea Life never lets you go." Hm. Ok on the line. AWESOME on the delivery.

June 12, 2011

A foray into the cake making world

We thought it would be nice to make a barbie cake for a grown-up friend.
We thought wine would also be nice... (see glasses above)

This is what happens when you mix wine and cake.

Barbie is running from a fire.

It was funnier at the time.

June 2, 2011


 (from the huffington post)

BWHAHAHA I'm back in elementary school sitting a desk laughing my ass off...

Way to go, Weiner.