October 12, 2011

Take me out to the ball game.

At Fenway seeing my beloved Red Sox
My friends, Friend's mom, me and My mom.

One of the best things about moving back to Maine (ahem, 2 years ago) is the ability to take my mom on these fun trips with my friends. She works with the mother of a good friend of mine so it makes it convenient for Mommy/Daughter stuff. Like this trip to the Red Sox: she had a bus buddy. I knew it was going to be a good trip when my mom brought out the cooler packed with beer, booze, cheese, crackers and PB+J sandwiches. 

 It's great getting to know my Mom now without the distractions of living at home, teen angst, mother's worry or anything else. Now, we actually want to spend time with each other- which is totally opposite of even just a few years ago. Don't get me wrong- we still drive each other totally batshit crazy. But now it's ok. So cheers to that. 

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