March 15, 2011 a SXSW darling and possible new financial revolution is a new site that manages ALL of your finances. And when I say all, I say banking, rent, student loans, credit card debt, IRA, investments, utilities and even your little laundry quarters. Frankly, I'm appalled by the lack of financial knowledge in most people- myself included. Most people were raised in families where you just did not discuss money- my own mother found this site not only dangerous but disgusting that all your money would be in the same place! Why, who is your financial advisor then? Who knows about this?! The majority of her generation is still wary of online shopping. But the truth is: we have college kids racking up $20,000 worth of credit card debt (from Mt. PizzaBox). Loans are debilitating and impossible to pay back.  Most people never even handle cash so  they never physically see their money. Don't even get me started on the financial housing crisis. We needed a new way to communicate to people how much they have and how they spend it. It's a way to see your money and not be overwhelmed. This might be the new checkbook because let's be real, no one writes in those things when your bank can send you an automatic statement weekly, daily, automatically.

So this little site puts it all together. Even tells you how much you spend at the local starbucks every month. Not entirely sure if this is a mind-blowing, revolutionary site just yet. But it does get me thinking...

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